CESIT Contributions Networks Academic Journals
CESIT experts are at the forefront of Supply Chain news and research at the national and international level. They also intervene regularly in the media to provide insight in the news owing to their expertise and work, and they organise and participate in many seminars with their international partners.
Furthermore, they are developing cutting-edge academic projects in the fields of maritime supply chains, sustainable supply chains, supply chain 4.0, and urban logistics. They are also working on applied research projects related to companies and to the dissemination of knowledge and technologies from the academic world into the business world.
Sustainable Operations in Urban Logistics
- Project Coordination in Europe: Tilburg University, Prof. Dr. Jan C. Fransoo
- Project Coordination in China: Tsinghua University, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lei Zhao
Walid Klibi, Professor and member of CESIT at KEDGE, is a partner in the research consortium alongside Sichuan University, Bordeaux Metropole, Tianjin University, and the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing.
Research Focus:
- Sustainable Urban Logistics in the Age of Digitisation
- Enhancing Climate-Neutral Mobility
About the SOUL Project
Global urbanisation, the rapid expansion of e-commerce, and the rise of on-demand services are driving a growing demand for timely and fragmented deliveries, which in turn fosters innovation in sustainable urban logistics.
Urban delivery networks are becoming increasingly complex, involving multiple levels and modes of transport. This complexity necessitates more locations for micro-storage and sorting of goods, leading to a higher consumption of urban space.
We are developing cutting-edge strategies based on advanced analytics to tackle the dynamic challenges of urban logistics systems. Our approach includes stochastic models aimed at helping decision-makers optimise existing networks of facilities and transport modes, manage limited urban space, and meet escalating customer expectations.
Our innovative approach also considers the well-being of couriers, recognising the stress and anxiety they face, as well as their cognitive abilities.
As a result, our work embraces the triple bottom line of sustainability: ecological, economic, and social. We will evaluate our strategies and models based on the urban environments of Bordeaux (France) and Chengdu (China). This comparison will allow us to assess urban logistics practices in two representative cities, each with distinct road network topologies, commercial settings, and urban densities.
- Walid Klibi
- Yann Bouchery
- Olivier Labarthe
PHD Student
- Cécile Dupouy
Focus on
5 clés pour repenser la collaboration durable en aéronautique, Walid Klibi, Olivier, Labarthe, kedge.edu, 05/03/2024
Presence in the media
« Farerne ved 'øko-effektivitet' », Régis Chenavaz, Stanko Dimitrov, and Frank Figge, pro.ing.dk, 23th January, 2020, Danish website
« The pitfalls of eco-efficiency », Régis Chenavaz, Stanko Dimitrov, and Frank Figge, theconversation.com, 15th January, 2020
O. Faury, L. Fedi, L. Etienne, N. Montier : "Enfin une cartographie des accidents maritimes en Arctique russe". Journal de la Marine Marchande, 27 avril 2020. http://www.journalmarinemarchande.eu/actualite/enfin-une-cartographie-des-accidents-maritimes-en-arctique-russe
Fedi, L. (2020). « Incoterms® 2020 : les apports de la nouvelle codification », Gazette de la Chambre arbitrale de Paris, janvier 2020, n°51, p.2-4.
Walid Klibi. Interview dans Supply Chain Magazine : "Il est fondamental d'arriver à quantifier la résilence", In "Sur la voie de la résilience", p. 10-11, septembre 2020
Walid Klibi, Jim Rice (2020). Préparer sa supply chain pour l'ère post-coronavirus. Harvard Business Review France, 06/07/2020,
Kai Trepte, Jim Rice, and Walid Klibi (2020). S&OP: A new frontier for supply chain resilience? CSCMP's Supply Chain Quarterly, Quarter 2, 2020.
Alexandre Lavissière, citation in:
L’Arctique doit-il vraiment être la nouvelle autoroute de la mer ?
Alexandre Lavissière: http://www.charlesmilander.com/news/2020/05/zonas-francas-portuarias-y-desarrollo-de-las-economias-insulares/
Alexandre Lavissière: tribune dans Mundo Empresarial (journal catalan): https://www.monempresarial.com/es/2020/05/12/zonas-francas-portuarias-y-desarrollo-de-las-economias-insulares/
Monios, J. (2020). Port-centric logistics - marketing or reality? Port Technology. January 2020.
« Produire autant avec moins de ressources Une fausse bonne idée ? », Régis Chenavaz, Stanko Dimitrov, and Frank Figge, latribune.fr, 18th December 2019
« Le paradoxe de l'éco-efficience, qui peut parfois nuire à l'environnement », Régis Chenavaz, interview Xerfi Canal by Mounia Van De Casteele, 10th October 2019
« Les pièges de l'éco-efficience », Régis Chenavaz, Stanko Dimitrov, and Frank Figge, theconversation.com, 9th December 2019
L'Usine Nouvelle, 01/02/2018. Coralie Donas « Aéronautique le démantèlement des avions, un gisement d'emplois », Tatiana Bouzdine-Chameeva
Faury, O, Fedi, L., Etienne L., Rigot-Müller, P. Stephenson, S. and Cheaitou, A. (2019) « Polaris : quelle influence sur la sécurité de la navigation en Arctique ? », Journal de la Marine Marchande, janvier 2019, p. 10-11.
Pierre Cariou : « La partie se joue à terre et la logistique fera toute la différence »
Réduction de la vitesse des navires : quel impact pour la logistique internationale ? , citation Pierre Cariou
Armateurs de France : l'environnement au cœur du second Maritime Day, citation Pierre Cariou
Transition énergétique et écologique du secteur maritime : les acteurs français se mobilisent Pierre Cariou Citation
Shipping Day des armateurs : Le plafond mondial qui leur tombe sur la tête…, Pierre Cariou Citation
OMI-Pollution : Limitation de la vitesse ou de la puissance des moteurs : Un faux débat ?, Citation Pierre Cariou
Interview JT TF1/2019 : Pierre Cariou
Pierre Cariou COP 25 : Abaisser les émissions de CO² en diminuant la vitesse des navires
La délicate gestion de crise dans les entreprises qui font tout pour les éviter , Alexandre Lavissière
France Bleu Gironde, 27/04/2018. Débat sur les pesticides dans les vignes avec Bernard Del’homme (Bdx Sc Agro), Tatiana Bouzdine-Chameeva
« La ecoeficiencia de las empresas: ¿un desperdicio de recursos? », Régis Chenavaz, Stanko Dimitrov, and Frank Figge, monempresarial.com, 15th December 2018,
« Comunicamos preferentemente los productos de meyor calidad? », Régis Chenavaz, and Sajjad Jasimuddin, monempresarial.com, 12th December 2018
« Etude de cas: le pari d'IBM Watons dans la santé »,Sarah Bortolaso, Régis Chenavaz, Émilien Duprez, and Meltem Kanik, theconversation.com, 19th April 2018
« Etude de cas : le Fairphone, un mobile écoresponsable », Medhi Bouraba, Régis Chenavaz, Omar Fadil, Corentin Rodriguez, Lucas Smiglio, and Marine Tabuto, theconversation.com, 17th April 2018, taken up in latribune.fr, 22th April 2018, and in ouest-france.fr, 18th April 2018
« De la rue aux défilés : la montée des marches du streetwear », Régis Chenavaz, Yannick Pizot, and Maxime Rapin, theconversation.com, 12th April 2018
« Etude de cas : la reconnaissance facile intégrée à la publicité digitale », Régis Chenavaz, Brandon Goncalves, and Paul-Victor Harmand Santoni, lesechos.fr, 12th April 2018
« Etude de cas : le streaming peut-il rapporter aux artistes », Hubert Basyn, Régis Chenavaz, Ali Lefriyekh, and Hugo Maurin, theconversation.com, 11th April 2018
« Scooters électriques en Chine : la cours au ciel bleu », Loris Coudrier, Régis Chenavaz, and Louis Dulion, lesechos.fr, 9th April 2018
« Alimentation: et si la blockchain rassurait les consommateurs ? », Régis Chenavaz, and Yassin Elyatim, lesechos.fr, 5th April 2018
« Le conflit entre TF1 et les opérateurs ne va pas durer », Régis Chenavaz, startco.lesechos.fr, 12th March 2018
Fedi, L. (2018). « La pesée des conteneurs : un premier bilan ». Supply chain magasine, juillet-aout 2018, p. 72-73.
Fedi, L. (2018). « Navigation arctique et assurabilité des risques : l’impact du nouveau Code Polaire OMI ». KEDGE Insight, 27 juin 2018.
Fedi, L. et Faury, O. (2018). « Comment les compagnies d’assurance utilisent-elles le Code Polaire », Le marin 15 février 2018, p. 33. 2018/
S&P prices vs ship fuel efficiency, Pierre Cariou
Qui va gagner la Ryder Cup ? Un enseignant-chercheur de KEDGE a développé une application qui prédit les résultats, Gautier Stauffer
“Une application prédit le résultat de la Ryder Cup" Figaro, 28/09/2018 Gautier Stauffer
Tatiana Bouzdine-Chameeva/COMMUNIQUE DE PRESSE KEDGE BS – Avril 2017, « Une année record pour l’industrie aéronautique et un défi pour le recyclage des avions en vie. Le cas de la logistique inverse d'AIRBUS »
Citation/Dans l’article de Claude Mandraut à AIR & COSMOS, Hebdomadaire, 02 JUIN 17 « Des réponses modestes face aux besoins » Ojd : 17442, pp.26-27
Une année record et un défi pour le recyclage des avions
Citation/ Dans l’article de Alexandre Abellan sur Vitisphere, Internet : « Les visiteurs français désireux d’implication » 17 mai 2017
Citation/ Dans l’article de M. Rabiller dans le Journal Sud-Ouest – un numéro spécial aéronautique. Juin 2017
Citation/ Dans l’article de Louise Véron « Écoconception et logistique inverse des avions : le nouveau défi du secteur aéronautique » at LinkedIn :
Écoconception et logistique inverse des avions : le nouveau défi du secteur aéronautique, 26 juillet 2017
Tatiana Bouzdine-Chameeva/ article co-écrit avec Anicia JAEGLER dans Supply Chain Magazine,
« La logistique inverse des avions : parez au décollage », octobre 2017, pp.108-109 https://sites.google.com/site/associationairl/home/publications/Billet-Supply-Chain-Magazine https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bw9EuwSQqFGcbElBdjRVekQwUXM/view
Bouzdine- Chameeva T., Delhomme B. (2017). "Vin et Climat : comment surveiller l'empreinte carbone dans les vignes", Journal Sud-Ouest, 17 octobre 2017
Tatiana Bouzdine-Chameeva/ Décision Boissons, 20/10/2017, Mention de l’étude sur « l’efficacité environnementale »
Pierre Cariou. Le Monde :
La Corée peine à sauver ses champions des mers
Pierre Cariou. Lloyds Loading List:
Hanjin collapse highlights vulnerability of supply chains
« ‘Weather-sensitive’ products: adjusting price and promotions to increase sales », Régis Chenavaz, Octavio Escobar, and Xavier Rousset, theconversation.com, 10th September 2017
« Produits "météo-sensibles" : adapter le prix et la publicité permet d'augmenter le profit », Régis Chenavaz, Octavio Escobar, and Xavier Rousset, theconversation.com, 1st September 2017
« Comment adapter le prix et la publicité aux changements de températures pour les produits météo-sensibles ? », Régis Chenavaz, Octavio Escobar, and Xavier Rousset, lexpress.fr, 18th June
« La moustache Movember », Régis Chenavaz, Adrien Bletton, Antoine Fraisse, Thibault Buis, and Arnaud François, nouvelobs.com, 30th November 2015
Fedi, L et Faury, O. (2017). « Les apports et les insuffisances du Code polaire OMI », Le marin 14 septembre 2017.
Fedi, L. et Rézenthel R. (2017). « La fourniture de services portuaires et la transparence financière des autorités portuaires », Neptunus, e.revue, vol. 23, 2017/ 4.
Fedi, L. et Cariou, P. (2017). « Dans le sillage de l’Europe, CMA CGM nouveau leader mondial de la transition énergétique maritime », Le point de vue de l’expert KEDGE Business School 13.11.2017
Fedi, L. (2017). « Incoterms 2010: un tour d’horizon maritime », Gazette de la Chambre arbitrale de Paris n° 44, Automne 2017, p. 5-7.
Walid Klibi (2017). Conception et Planification de la Supply Chain. Risques, n°112, December 2017.
Gerald Lang “Peut-on créer un Mittelstand à la Française ? L’impossible adaptation du modèle allemand en France.” 27/08/2017
Gerald Lang “Lifestyle Shopping Malls: Best place for the future of Retailing” BIFEX – Lebanese Franchise Association Conference, Beirut, 13-14 Mai 2015
Research and development
- MAIA - Models and Methods for an Active Ageing workforce: An International Academy
MAIA is a European research project with a focus on a timely and strategic international challenge: the efficient involvement of ageing workers in the manufacturing systems of the future.
MAIA is a ‘Research and Innovation Staff Exchange’ funded by the Horizon 2020 research and innovation program. The project is aimed at strengthening research collaboration through active networking, staff exchange and dissemination activities between 7 European universities from Italy, Germany, France and Slovenia as well as 6 non-European universities from USA, Japan, New Zealand, Hong Kong and Canada.
The academy will focus on active ageing industrial workforce problems and needs. The network is multidisciplinary with leading expertises on ageing and psychosocial aspects, ergonomics, manufacturing system design, robotics/assistance technologies, and economics.
The partners aim to contribute to the state of the art by transforming concepts used in manufacturing systems design and management, human sciences, ergonomics and operations management. Within KEDGE, this project is led by Olga Battaïa, member of CESIT.
- VitiREV project (2019 – 2024), Sustainability in wine sector (logistics and wine tourism), Tatiana Bouzdine-Chameeva, member of the Food, Wine & Hospitality center of excellence
- CIFRE thesis (2019-2022) with La Poste and the Institut de mathématiques de Bordeaux, entitled «Conception de réseaux de distribution urbaine mutualisée en mode doux » (Design of soft mobility shared urban distribution networks). This project is steered by Walid Klibi and Gautier Stauffer.
- Lectra (Since 2017), Design du réseau Chine ; Empreinte carbone ; Amélioration DDMRP, Optimisation Milk Run (Designing China's network; Carbon footprint; DDMRP's improvement; Milk Run optimisation). Respectively steered by Walid Klibi, Anicia Jaegler and Zied Babai.
- LA POSTE chair
The project is based on 3 research axes with different objectives relating to the issues in each specific line of research. Several CESIT experts are involved in this work, including a doctoral researcher, post-doctoral researchers, a student-worker, and ISLI students.
Research axes:
- Project 1: Steering an added value logistics scheme
- Project 2: Shared (hyperconnected) urban distribution using non-polluting transportation
- Project 3: Forecasting Distribution Traffic
Chair's main point of contact: Walid Klibi
Contributors: Zied Babai, Larissa Belgouzia, Imen Ben Mohamed, Nadine Kafa, Olivier Labarthe, Johan Leveque, and Gautier Stauffer.
Outside collaborations: Benoit Montreuil, Georgia-Tech Institute, Atlanta, USA
- SEPHORA chair
Omnichannel distribution and Network design
Lines of research: Network Design, Green Supply Chain, Planning and advanced analytics.
Chair's main point of contact: Walid Klibi
Contributors : Zied Babai, Larissa Belgouzia, Imen Ben Mohamed, Yann Bouchery, Marjan Bozorg, Nadine Kafa, Haytham Omar.
External collaborations: Ayse N. Arslan, INSA Rennes and Benoit Montreuil, Georgia-Tech Institute, Atlanta, USA.
Pedagogy and student life
Training programmes associated with the centre
Members of the Supply Chain research centre actively participate in the Supply Chain courses at the school. They regularly participate in the various ISLI training programmes, both for initial trainings, apprenticeships, and continuous professional development.
Gerald LANG oversees the Academic Division of the ISLI programme in continuous professional development.
Centre members are also involved in the ITL, PGE, IBBA, and EBP programmes within specialisation tracks or Supply Chain and/or maritime field acculturation modules. CESIT also offers custom training within companies in its areas of expertise
Theses and missions
The CESIT also assists students with their research thesis work (mandatory component of the ISLI curriculum) and the ‘ISLI missions’ (a semester-long job in group project of 4 to 5 students in partnership with a company), for both our programmes in France and abroad. We oversee approximately two hundred theses per year as well as a dozen missions.
Beyond their educational aspect, theses and missions feed the work of CESIT members (research and case studies in particular) and support the development of strategic partnerships with the companies involved (many of the team's projects stemmed from missions and theses).
- Thierry Roques supervises our MBA students on our Chinese and French campuses: Mentoring MBA students for their SBP (Strategic Business Plan). SBP is the project that MBA students carry out throughout their whole programme to develop an existing activity within their company or to create a new activity or business. Thierry Roques oversees the SBPs with a SCM dimension.
- Joerg Hofstetter supervised Elina Aberle's thesis: “What are the requirements of monitoring performances of sub suppliers?", that is particularly remarkable !
- Food waste at the K’Fet in KEDGE Bordeaux (May 2020). This study was conducted by a group of 6 MSc ISLI students in Bordeaux: Antonin Hyest, Sanjai Saravanan, Mukundan Sreemohan, Muhammad Birama Sylla, Mélanie Tapa, and Chengfeng Yang. In partnership with KEDGE CSR department, the group examined food waste in the food service industry, particularly focusing on the school itself. By collecting and analysing data such as the volume of waste, the degree of customer satisfaction, and more, our group of students was able to formulate recommendations for more sustainable food management at KEDGE food service places. This work was overseen by Gautier Stauffer.
News related to students / educational news
- Laurent Fedi - Creation of the first version of the Maritime Sulitest with Msc International Trade and Logistics students (Autumn 2019). ITL students drafted 20-question survey on CSR in maritime shipping. This survey was defended in front of KEDGE CSR Department and Surfrider association in December 2019. It aims at testing the awareness and knowledge on maritime CSR of future ITL students and employees/managers of shipping companies. This first version will be improved this year with the new intake of ITL students.
- Rainer Schlosser/ Stochastic Dynamic Pricing/ 14 octobre 2019 / Hasso Plattner Institut, Postdam
- Marjan Bozorg/ Optimization of membrane process architecture/ 14 November 2019/ CESIT
- Mehdi Amiri-Aref / A robust stochastic Casualty Collection Points location problem/ 27 novembre 2019/ CESIT
- Johan Leveque/ Urban network design for parcel delivery at La Poste: the example of Paris/ 30 janvier 2019/ CESIT
- Haytham Omar/ Employing R in inventory management, UAE case study / 14 février 2020 /CESIT
- Alexandre Lavissière/ Supply Chain Management from an Industrial Marketing perspective: the case of Port community / 5 mars 2020/CESIT
- Carlos A. Moreno-Camacho / Sustainable Supply Chain Network Design in the Dairy Sector/ 29 May 2020/ KEDGE & Mines Saint-Etienne, Univ Lyon
Organized and co-organized conferences and workshops
- Dataquitaine 2020, IA, Recherche Opérationnelle & Data Science, 13/02/2020 at Kedge Business School, Talence - www.dataquitaine.com Co-organisers Kedge Business School: Larissa Belgouzia, Walid Klibi, Gautier Stauffer
- Dataquitaine 2019, IA, Recherche Opérationnelle & Data Science, 07/02/2019 at Kedge Business School, Talence - www.dataquitaine.com Co-organisers Kedge Business School: Larissa Belgouzia, Walid Klibi
- Conférence KEDGE Alumni - Digitalisation in the maritime supply chain 13/02/2020 Marseille, organised by Laurent Fédi
- The Aussois Combinatorial Optimization Workshop Centre Paul Langevin du CNRS à Aussois (France), Gautier Stauffer is co-organiser since 2019.
- Table ronde KEDGE Alumni - Smart Cities 12/06/2019 Kedge Business School Bordeaux, organised by Walid Klibi & Larissa Belgouzia
- Conférence KEDGE Alumni - The design of Supply Chain 4.0. 05/06/2019 at Kedge Business School Paris, organised by Walid Klibi, Razat GAURAV, CEO and Member Board of Directors LLamasoft and Sébastien Riegel, Director Modeling & network design Schneider Electric
- The 6th edition of the ILS - 2016 (« The International Conference on Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain ») Conference organised in Bordeaux from the 1st to 4th of June 2016. ILS 2016 event gathered more than 150 participants from more than 30 countries and included a doctoral students competition as well as an industrial day
- The 10th edition of the RIRL - Conference was hosted by Kedge on May 20-21, 2014 in Marseille in collaboration with researchers from the University of Nantes (France).
- ATRS (Air Transport Research Society) international conference by Kedge Business School from July 17 to July 20, 2014 in Bordeaux The annual ISLI forum is one of the top industrial logistics events in France. Over 400 Supply Chain managers attend the forum in Bordeaux every year, which has a sharp focus on innovation. In addition to this, the school’s internal “Supply Chain Clubs”, which are co-led with alumni, regularly organise events that companies are invited to attend. The centre of excellence also works with the French Logistics Association (ASLOG) to organise or jointly organise conferences, debates, round tables, and more.
Major conferences
- International Maritime Economists Conference (IAME)
- IPIC - International Physical Internet Conference