PRESS RELEASE – 05.10.2017

PRESS RELEASE – 05.10.2017

KEDGE Business School took part in the 2nd HackaNews event organised by the daily french newspaper SUD OUEST Thursday 5 and friday 6 october 2017

On October 5th and 6th, KEDGE Business School took part in the second “HackaNews” event, a major competition organised by SUD OUEST modelled on a hackathon, which has seen 80 students from Bordeaux and professionals all getting involved in digital innovation activities in the media sector.

Around ten students from KEDGE were participating in this hackathon, during which they contributed the expertise gained during their training in innovation, enterprise and digital management on the Grande École Programme. This event provided the KEDGE students with an opportunity to work on hybrid projects while at the same time interacting with the local ecosystem. This year, the event also involved the Institut de Journalisme Bordeaux-Aquitaine, Digital Campus, 1Kubator (the leading incubator for digital start-ups in France), Théophraste (the Sud Ouest group’s business accelerator) and the company Orange, which was supplying the technical resources.

Xavier Hollandts, professor in strategy and enterprise at KEDGE, was involved as a cross-disciplinary coach to support the students, who were organised in mixed teams (journalists, web designers, marketers and business managers).

What is a hackathon and why are they opting for a hackanews?

A combination of "hack" and "marathon", a hackathon is an event in which teams must put forward a digital project with the objective of seeing this integrated subsequently, over a short and limited period. With initiatives of this kind almost never seen in the regional daily press sector, SUD OUEST chose to call its idea-generating competition “hackanews”, with the first event being held in 2016.

The issue on wich student's focused was " how to conquer new digital subscribers with new content and services that Sud Ouest could offer ? ". Learn more

The hackanews panel

This panel which selected the winners was jointly chaired by Sophie Huet-Trupheme, deputy global news director for Agence France-Presse (AFP), and David Dieudonné, News Lab manager for Google France. It was comprised of:

  • Guillaume Bèque, manager of KEDGE’s Bordeaux campus and Group HR Manager
  • Jean-Pierre Dorian, chief editor of SUD OUEST
  • Guillaume Vasse, manager of the SUD OUEST Interactive Group and Théophraste (the SUD OUEST Group’s business accelerator)
  • Adèle Tanguy, operations manager at 1Kubator
  • Eva Garraud, development manager at Digital Campus
  • Marie-Christine Lipani, assistant manager of the IJBA

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PR-Hackanews 05-10-2017

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