The SEEFAR (Shift for Ecology, Economics, Finance and Accounting Research) centre aims at developing alternative solutions and tools to promote sustainable economic, financial, and accounting models and transform the public debate and educational content on these topics . The centre is led by Professor Christophe Faugère.
Research areas
Sustainable economic, financial, and accounting models
- Next generation financial and business models, analysis, and design: ESG scores, fintech, crowdfunding, blockchain and holochain technologies, digital currencies, ICOs, artificial intelligence, and more.
- Next generation economic models: E. Ostrom commons, the digital donation economy, the human-centered economy, the circular & solidarity economy, the blue economy, accounting for constraints related to the ecological transition, etc.
- Economies in Asia, Africa, and other emerging areas. Alternative financial systems: microfinance, etc.
- Green finance, human, social, and natural capital accounting or human capabilities accounting. Integrated reporting.
Next-generation governance, risks, and insurance
- Risk and insurance (behavioural risks, managing systemic risk, financial institution risk, etc.)
- Industrial and organisational risks and assessing the quality of processes
- New models of governance
- Legal frameworks for adapted financial reforms.
Ontology and critical appraisal
- Ontology and critical appraisal of scientific fields: finance, economic science, accounting, etc.
- Epistemology and critical & constructive research into existing business models
- Ethics and awareness as well as 'enlightened’ behaviour in finance, political economics, and accounting.
Underneath, you will find a list of the Centre's publications. There is a strong emphasis on adopting a rigorous, critical and constructive stance on finance, accounting and traditional economica...
Our researchers regularly demonstrate their commitment in the field of sustainability in finance, economics, accounting, and law and they are passionate about analyses that diverge from the status quo...