Coordinated by Professor Ralf Barkemeyer, KEDGE's Center of Excellence for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) conducts interdisciplinary research into the socioeconomic and environmental impacts of organizations at various levels of analysis. The CSR Center of Excellence creates knowledge through its research activities, shares this knowledge through its training activities and contributes to the dissemination of good practices among companies.

The research challenges
With 18 permanent faculty, KEDGE's CSR Center of Excellence is one of the largest European research and higher education centers dedicated to corporate social responsibility in the broad sense.
Its research themes include:
- Circular economy,
- Climate change, biodiversity and other environmental challenges,
- Social and socioeconomic challenges, ranging from the level of the individual employee to wider governance questions linked to the role of business in society,
- Ethics and human rights,
- Reconciling financial performance with environmental and social performance, and the role of trade-offs in corporate sustainability.
The profiles of CSR Center of Excellence members are extremely varied, combining a range of different research disciplines. The Center is also very international in scope, both in terms of research topics as well as based on the fact that it brings together experts from various different countries.
The impact on teaching
The KEDGE approach to CSR is fully transversal. All KEDGE programs and curricula, irrespective of level and topic, include a CSR component. In addition, under the Grande École Program, students can choose to enter a CSR specialization: a full-fledged major of the PGE is specifically devoted to this expertise on both the Marseille and the Bordeaux campuses.
The impact on companies
The Center of Excellence develops and initiates collaborations with major companies such as BMW, Volkswagen, Suez, Lyonnaise des Eaux, or ASDA plc.
They cover subjects as diverse as:
- Gender equality,
- The evaluation of social and environmental performance,
- Sustainable food consumption,
- The governance of water distribution systems.
To take one recent example, one of the group's experts has launched a partnership project with the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) to better understand the legitimacy of multi-stakeholder initiatives. Likewise, members of the Center of Excellence are working with Société Générale on the topic of disability in the workplace. All these collaborations have in common the aim of generating useful and usable knowledge and helping companies to understand and manage concrete socioeconomic and environmental challenges.
The impact on the ecosystem
Center of Excellence members are actively involved in leading research networks and international conferences such as the Academy of Management (AOM), the European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS), the European Academy of Management (EURAM) or the International Association for Business and Society (IABS). In addition, Center of Excellence members have been co-organizing the Corporate Responsibility Research Conference (in partnership with the University of Leeds, UK) since 2005.
Several Center of Excellence members contribute, as associate editors or editorial board members, to internationally recognized journals such as the Journal of Management Inquiry, the Journal of Business Ethics, Business Strategy and the Environment or Business Ethics: A European Review.
The partnerships
The Center’s partnership policy is based on the profiles, international backgrounds and projects of each of its members. These may include CIFRE theses (industrial agreements on training through research), research chairs, research partnerships, etc. This network includes a range of French, European and Overseas universities as well as professional networks.
Recent Publications
Members of the Center of Excellence publish articles in leading publications such as the Academy of Management Review, Organization Studies, Business Ethics Quarterly or the Journal of Business Ethics. A particular feature of the CSR Center of Excellence is that it also generates publications outside the managerial literature, for example in the journal Nature Climate Change.
In addition, Center members popularize their research through mainstream media channels. In recent years, this has included outlets such as Le Figaro, Le Monde, Washington Post, The Guardian or Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung as well as radio transmissions on BBC Radio 4 (UK), ORF (Austria) or Deutsche Welle (Germany).
- Guillaume BARBAT
- Christoph BEY
- Breeda COMYNS
- Aurélien DECAMPS
- Frank FIGGE
- Anicia JAEGLER
- Hugh LEE
- Marc OHANA
- Jaegler, A., (2020), Industrie : un secteur bousculé en quête de renouveau, Best Practices
- Hirsch, P., Zyglidopoulos, S., Alekos, P., (2020), Can a leader of moral character survive and do good in a corrupt organization?, Organizational Dynamics, 9p.
- Hanoteau, J., Vial, V. (2020) Institutional quality, conforming and evasive entrepreneurship, Eurasian Business Review, pp. 1-25
- Barkemeyer, R., Salignac, F., & Argade, P. (2019). CSP and governance in emerging and developing country firms: Of mirrors and substitutes. Business and Politics. 21(4): 540-568.
- Bojovic, N., Sabatier, V., Coblence, E.(2020), Becoming through doing: How experimental spaces enable organizational identity work, Strategic Organization, Vol. 18 n°1, pp. 20-49
- Meschi, P.-X., & Norheim-Hansen, A. (2020). Partner-diversity effects on alliance termination in the early stage of green alliance formation: Empirical evidence from carbon-emission reduction projects in Latin America. Business Strategy and the Environment, 29, 250-261.
- Forthcoming in Journal of Cleaner Production Ashraf, N. Comyns, B. Tariq, S. & Chaudhry, H. R. 2020. Carbon performance of firms in developing countries: The role of financial slack, carbon prices and dense network. Journal of Cleaner Production,253, 119253
- Barkemeyer, R., Faugère, C., Gergaud, O., Preuss L., (2020) Media attention to large-scale corporate scandals: Hype and boredom in the age of social media. Journal of Business Research, 109, pp.385-398
- Gold, M., Preuss, L., Rees, C., (2019) Moving out of the comfort zone? Trade union revitalisation and corporate social responsibility. Journal of Industrial Relations 0(0), pp. 1-24
- Barkemeyer, R., & Miklian, J. (2019) Responsible Business in Fragile Contexts: Comparing Perceptions from Domestic and Foreign Firms in Myanmar. Sustainability, 11, 598.
- Barbat G. & André J.-M. (2019). Quelles compétences favorisent l'appropriation par les salariés d'une écostratégie ? Une étude exploratoire dans le secteur de la grande distribution. Revue Française de Gestion. No 278/2019 pp 55-75.
- Ashraf, N., Comyns, B., Ali Arain, G. & Ahmed Bhatti, Z. (2019) The roles of network embeddedness, market incentives, and slack resources in the adoption of clean technologies by firms in developing countries, Climate Policy, 19:5 556-570.
- Peillex, J. & Comyns, B. (2019) Pourquoi les sociétés financières décident-elles d’adopter les Principes des Nations Unies pour l’Investissement Responsable ? Comptabilité, Contrôle, Audit, Forthcoming.
- Figge, F. & Thorpe, A. (2019) The symbiotic rebound effect in the circular economy. Ecological Economics, Vol. 163, pp. 61-69.
- Manzhynski, S. & Figge, F. (forthcoming). Coopetition for sustainability: Between organizational benefit and societal good. Business Strategy and the Environment.
- Hanoteau, J. & Talbot, D. (2019) Impacts of the Québec carbon emissions trading scheme on plant-level performance and employment, Carbon Management, 10:3, 287-298.
- Moreno-Camacho, C.A., Montoya-Torres, J.R., Jaegler, A. & Gondran, N. (2019) Sustainability metrics for real case applications of the supply chain network design problem: A systematic literature review. Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 231, pp. 600-618.
- Meschi, P.X. & Norheim-Hansen, A. (2019) Partner-diversity Effects on Alliance Termination in the Early Stage of Green Alliance Formation: Empirical Evidence from Carbon-emission Reduction Projects in Latin America. Business Strategy and the Environment, Forthcoming
- Stinglhamber, F., Ohana, M., Caesens, G. Meyer, M. (2019) Perceived organizational support: The interactive role of coworkers’ perceptions and employees’ voice”, Employee Relations, Forthcoming.
- Ohana, M. & Stinglhamber, F. (2019) Co‐workers' voice climate and affective commitment towards the team: A test of mediation and moderation, Human Resource Management Journal 29: 395– 412.
- Bouraoui, K., Bensemmane, S., Ohana, M., Russo, M. (2019) Corporate social responsibility and employees’ affective commitment: A multiple mediation model. Management Decision, 57 (1), 152-167.
- Gold, M., Preuss, L. & Rees, C. (2019) Moving out of the comfort zone? Trade union revitalisation and corporate social responsibility. Journal of Industrial Relations, Forthcoming.
- Salignac, F., Marjolin, A. Noone, J. & Carey, G. (2019) Measuring dynamic collaborations: Collaborative health assessment tool. Australian Journal of Public Administration, vol. 78, no. 2, pp. 227-249.
- Salignac, F., Hamilton, M., Noone, J., Marjolin, A. & Muir, K. (2019) Conceptualizing Financial Wellbeing: An Ecological Life-Course Approach, Journal of Happiness Studies, online first.
- Salignac, F., Marjolin, A., Reeve, R. & Muir, K. (2019) Conceptualizing and measuring financial resilience: A multidimensional framework, Social Indicators Research, 145:17–38.
- Symeou, P., Zyglidopoulos, S., and Gardberg, N. (2019) Corporate environmental performance: Revisiting the role of organizational slack. Journal of Business Research, 96:169-182.
- Gardberg, N., Zyglidopoulos, S., Symeou, P., and Schepers., D., (2019) The impact of corporate philanthropy on reputation for corporate social performance, Business and Society, Volume: 58 issue: 6, 1177-1208.
- Barkemeyer, R. (2018). Climate policy: Uncovering ocean-related priorities. Nature Climate Change, 7, 761-762.
- Barkemeyer, R., Givry, P., & Figge, F. (2018) Trends and patterns in sustainability-related media coverage: A classification of issue-level attention. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 36(5), 937-962.
- Barkemeyer, R., Preuss, L.; & Ohana, M. (2018) Developing country firms and the challenge of corruption: Do company commitments mirror the quality of national-level institutions? Journal of Business Research, 90, 26-39.
- Chintakayala, P.K., Young, C.W., Barkemeyer, R., & Morris, M. (2018) Breaking niche sustainable products out into the mainstream: the cases of organic milk and free range eggs. Business Strategy and the Environment, 27(7), 1039-1051.
- Barouch, G. & Bey, C. (2018). Cost of quality and process model: improving accounting tools for attaining higher environmental efficiency. Journal of Cleaner Production, 181, April, 192-200.
- Comyns, B. (2018). Climate change reporting and multinational companies: Insights from institutional theory and international business. Accounting Forum, 42(1), 65-77.
- Comyns, B., & Franklin-Johnson, E. (2018) Corporate Reputation and Collective Crises: A Theoretical Development Using the Case of Rana Plaza. Journal of Business Ethics, 150(1), 159-183.
- Figge, F., Thorpe, A., Givry, P., Canning, L. & Franklin-Johnson, E. (2018) Longevity and Circularity as Indicators of Eco-Efficient Resource Use in the Circular Economy. Ecological Economics Vol. 150 (2018), 297–306.
- Jaegler, Y., Jaegler, A. & Burlat, P., Lamouri, S. & Trentesaux, D. (2018) The ConWip production control system: a systematic review and classification, International Journal of Production Research, 56:17, 5736-5756.
- Norheim-Hansen, A. (2018). The virtues of green strategies: Some empirical support from the alliance context. Journal of Business Ethics, 151 (4), September, 1161-1173.
- Meyer, M., Ohana, M. & Stinglhamber, F. (2018) The impact of supervisor interpersonal justice on supervisor-directed citizenship behaviors in social enterprises: a moderated mediation model. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 29 (20), 2927-2948.
- Bensemmane, S., Ohana, M. &, Stinglhamber, F. (2018) Team justice and thriving: a dynamic approach. Journal of Managerial Psychology, Vol. 33 Issue: 2, pp.229-242.
- Arnéguy E, Ohana, M. & Stinglhamber, F. (2018) Organizational Justice and Readiness for Change: A Concomitant Examination of the Mediating Role of Perceived Organizational Support and Identification. Frontiers in Psychology 9:1172.
- Symeou, P., Zyglidopoulos, S., and Williamson, P. (2018) Internationalization as a Driver of the Corporate Social Performance of Extractive Industry Firms, Journal of World Business, 53(1): 27-38.
- Zyglidopoulos, S., Dieleman, M., and Hirsch, P. (2018) Playing the game: unpacking the rationale for organizational corruption in MNCs. Journal of Management Inquiry, Forthcoming
- Young, C.W., Russell, S., Robinson, C., & Barkemeyer, R. (2017) Can social media be a tool for reducing consumers' food waste? A behaviour change experiment by a UK retailer. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 117 (2017) 195–203.
- Young, C.W., Russell, S., & Barkemeyer, R. (2017) Social media is not the 'silver bullet' to reducing household food waste, a response to Grainger and Stewart. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 122, July, 405–406.
- Barkemeyer, R., Figge, F., Hoepner, A., Holt, D., Kraak, J. M., & Yu, P. S. (2017) Media coverage of climate change: An international comparison. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 35 (6): 1029-1054.
- Renzi, B. G., Cotton, M., Napolitano, G., & Barkemeyer, R. (2017) Rebirth, devastation and sickness: analyzing the role of metaphor in media discourses of nuclear power. Environmental Communication, 11: 624-640
- Décamps A. & Barbat G. (2017) Gouvernance durable du service public de l’eau : une approche par les profils de territoires, Revue d’Economie Régionale et Urbaine, n°2, p. 297-334
- Figge, F., Givry, P., Canning, L., Franklin-Johnson, E. and A. Thorpe (2017) Eco-Efficiency of virgin resources: A measure at the interface between micro and macro levels. Ecological Economics 138, 12–21
- Liesen, A., Figge, F., Hoepner, A. & Patten, D. (2017) Climate Change and Asset Prices: Are Corporate Carbon Disclosure and Performance Priced Appropriately? Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, 44(1) & (2), 35–62.
- Jaegler, Y., Jaegler, A., Trentesaux, D., Burlat, P. & Lamouri, S. (2017). The CONWIP Production Control System: classification and discussion of current and future research avenues. Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés, Vol 50, 3/2017, 197-211.
- Harding, N., Lee, H. and Ford, J. (2017) Towards a performative theory of resistance: Senior managers and revolting subject(ivitie)s Organization Studies Special Issue Organization Studies- Volume: 38, Number: 9 1209-1232.
- Meschi, P.-X., Norheim-Hansen, A., & Riccio, E. L. (2017). Match-making in international joint ventures in emerging economies: Aligning asymmetric financial strength and equity stake. Management International Review. Volume 57, Issue 3, 411–440.
- Salignac F., Galea N. and Powell A. (2017) Institutional Entrepreneurs Driving Change: The Case of Gender Diversity in the Australian Construction Industry. Australian Journal of Management. 43(1): 152-169.
- Salignac F., Wilcox T., Marjolin A. and Adams S. (2017) Understanding Collective Impact in Australia: A New Approach to Inter-Organizational Collaboration. Australian Journal of Management. 43(1): 91-110.
- Jaegler, A. (2016) Analyse d’une chaîne logistique durable dans le secteur du cuir, Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés, Vol 49 (6) 617-634.
- Caesens, G., Stinglhamber, F. & Ohana, M. (2016) Perceived organizational support and well-being: a weekly study, Journal of Managerial Psychology, Vol. 31, Issue: 7, pp.1214-1230.
- Ohana, M. & Meyer, M. (2016) Distributive justice and affective commitment in nonprofit organizations: Which referent matters? Employee Relations, Vol. 38 Issue: 6, pp.841-858.
- Preuss, L., Barkemeyer, R., & Glavas, A. (2016) Corporate Social Responsibility in Developing Country Multinationals: Identifying Company and Country-level Influences, Business Ethics Quarterly, 26:3, 347–378.
- Zyglidopoulos, S., Williamson, P., and Symeou, P. (2016) The corporate social performance of developing country multinationals, Business Ethics Quarterly, 26(3): 379–406