
2378 results


Publications Kedge Authors Type of publications
JAEGLER, A., "Carbon footprint of supply chains" in Carbon footprinting: new developments, reduction method and ecological impacts., Ed., NOVA Science publishers, pp. 59-93, 2016 JAEGLER Anicia
Book chapter
JAEGLER, A., O.ALLAL-CHERIF - "La RSE au cœur de la relation fournisseurs et de la performance achats dans le groupe Colas" - 2016, CCMP JAEGLER Anicia
Case Study
JAEGLER, A., Y.BOUCHERY, "Joseph Sarkis : la référence en management de la supply chain durable" in Les grands auteurs en Logistique et Supply Chain Management., Ed., Editions Management & Société , 2016 BOUCHERY Yann
Book chapter
SISLIAN, L., A.JAEGLER, P.CARIOU, "A literature review on port sustainability and ocean's carrier network problem", Research in Transportation Business & Management, 2016, vol. 19, pp. 19-26 JAEGLER Anicia
Journal article
CHAMARD , C., T.LOREY, "Quels facteurs de succès et d'échecs dans la construction d'une marque territoriale ? L'analyse du processus d'élaboration de la marque territoriale basque", Annales Méditerranéennes d'Economie, March 2016, no. N°3, pp. 51-78 LOREY Thierry
Journal article
LOREY, T., "La communication sportive" in Pentacom., Malaval Ph., Decaudin J-M Eds, Pearson , pp. 393-422, 2016 LOREY Thierry
Book chapter
LOREY, T., F.DOSQUET , N.ESTELLAT , "Comment valoriser un patrimoine en pleine mutation : le cas des Chemins de Saint-Jacques de Compostelle dans le Sud-Ouest de la France" in La valorisation des patrimoines, authenticité et communication., Ait Heda et Meyer V. Ed., Ibn Zohr Press, 2016 LOREY Thierry
Book chapter
BARTIKOWSKI, B., B.TAIEB, J.-L.CHANDON, "Targeting without alienating on the Internet: Ethnic minority and majority consumers", Journal of Business Research, 2016, vol. 69, no. 3, pp. 1082-1089 BARTIKOWSKI Boris
Journal article
ARIBI, A., O. DUPOUËT, "The role of knowledge processing systems in firms' absorptive capacity", Innovations: Journal of Innovation, Economics & Management, 2016, vol. 1, no. 19, pp. 87-111 DUPOUËT Olivier
Journal article
ARIBI, A., O.DUPOUËT, "Absorptive capacity: a non-linear process", Knowledge Management Research & Practice, 2016, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 15-26 DUPOUËT Olivier
Journal article
DUPOUËT, O., P.-J.BARLATIER, "Michael L. Tushman Entre adaptation et changement stratégique, quelle organisation pour l’innovation ?" in Les Grands Auteurs en Management de l'innovation et de la créativité., Thierry BURGER-HELMCHEN, Caroline HUSSLER, Patrick COHENDET Eds, Editions EMS, pp. 345-366, 2016 DUPOUËT Olivier
Book chapter
DECAMPS, A., S.OUVRARD, "Choix comptables et immeubles de placement: enjeux économiques et financiers pour les groupes cotés", Revue du Financier, March 2016, vol. 38, no. 217, pp. 80-94 DECAMPS Aurélien
OUVRARD Stéphane
Journal article
OUVRARD, S. - "SARL KDECONSEIL 1: Diagnostic financier d'une PME de services" - 2016, CCMP, Paris, France OUVRARD Stéphane
Case Study
OUVRARD, S. - "SARL KDECONSEIL 2: Elaboration des comptes prévisionnels d'une PME de services" - 2016, CCMP, Paris, France OUVRARD Stéphane
Case Study
VON STADEN, P., "A sociocognitive approach to business ethics: lessons from early industrializing Japan", Asia Pacific Business Review, Spring 2016, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 411-421 VON STADEN Peter
Journal article
VON STADEN, P., "The Politics of Institutional Restructuring and Its Moral Persuasion in Japan" in The Political Economy of Business Ethics in East Asia., Oh, I. & Park, G.S. Eds, Elsevier, chap. 8, pp. 131-149, 2016 VON STADEN Peter
Book chapter
BARKEMEYER, R., S.DESSAI, B.MONGE-SANZ, B. G.RENZI, G.NAPOLITANO, "Linguistic analysis of IPCC summaries for policymakers and associated coverage", Nature Climate Change, 2016, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 311-316 BARKEMEYER Ralf
Journal article
BARKEMEYER, R., S.QUATRINI, L.STRINGER, "Involving the Mining Sector in Achieving Land Degradation Neutrality", Solutions, 2016, vol. 7, no. 5, pp. 55-63 BARKEMEYER Ralf
Journal article
PREUSS, L., R.BARKEMEYER, A.GLAVAS, "Corporate Social Responsibility in Developing Country Multinationals: Identifying Company and Country-Level Influences", Business Ethics Quarterly, 2016, vol. 26, no. 03, pp. 347-378 PREUSS Lutz
Journal article
GOMBAULT, A., O.ALLAL-CHERIF, A.DECAMPS, "ICT adoption in heritage organizations: Crossing the chasm", Journal of Business Research, 2016, vol. 69, no. 11, pp. 5135-5140 GOMBAULT Anne
DECAMPS Aurélien
Journal article
BERTRAND, P., J.-L.PRIGENT, "Equilibrium of financial derivative markets under portfolio insurance constraints", Economic Modelling, 2016, vol. 52, pp. 278-291 BERTRAND Philippe
Journal article
BERTRAND, P., J.-L.PRIGENT, "Portfolio Insurance: The Extreme Value Approach Applied to the CPPI Method" in Extreme Events in Finance., François Longin Ed., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., pp. 465-482, 2016 BERTRAND Philippe
Book chapter
BOUZDINE-CHAMEEVA, T., J.HANF, W.ZHANG, "The Chinese Wine Market – An Analysis of Wine Distribution Channels in a Highly Competitive Market" in The Wine Value Chain in China., Ed., Elsevier, pp. 145-161, 2016 BOUZDINE-CHAMEEVA Tatiana
Book chapter
PODINOVSKI, V. V., T.BOUZDINE-CHAMEEVA, "On single-stage DEA models with weight restrictions", European Journal of Operational Research, 2016, vol. 248, no. 3, pp. 1044-1050 BOUZDINE-CHAMEEVA Tatiana
Journal article
ANDRIANI, P., G.CATTANI, "Exaptation as source of creativity, innovation, and diversity: introduction to the Special Section", Industrial and Corporate Change, 2016, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 115-131 ANDRIANI Pierpaolo
Journal article
MALTESE, L., "Marketing sportif territorial" in Management, événements et terrtoires., Arnaud, C., Keramidas, O. et Pasquier, M. Eds, Bruylant, 2016 MALTESE Lionel
Book chapter
AUGER, P., R. W.WOODMAN, "Creativity and Intrinsic Motivation", The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 2016, vol. 52, no. 3, pp. 342-366 AUGER Pascale
Journal article
CARU, A., B.COVA, S.PACE, "Innovating’ as an interaction of practices: the case of customers’ use of a new website" in Innovating in practices: perspectives and experiences., Tiziana Russo Spena, Cristina Mele & Maaria Nuutinen Eds, Springer International Publishing, pp. 139-157, 2016 COVA Bernard
Book chapter
CARU, A., L.COLM, B.COVA, "Innovating Services Through Experiences: An Investigation of Servicescape’s Pivotal Role," in Service Innovation. Novel Ways of Creating Value in Actor Systems., Toivonen, M Eds, Springer Japan, pp. 149-170, 2016 COVA Bernard
Book chapter